I confess. Since last Wednesday I have taken a break from daily blogging. Its happened naturally as I dived deep into my feelings, leaving my thinking behind so I could truly get in touch with my wounds.…


I have completed my 45 blogs and am going to continue up to 90, in sub 100 days, but this is not a hard boundary as I have a busy few weeks ahead. I decided to up the total once again, because I want to cement the daily habit of writing…


Today is day 31 out 34 that I have written every day, a minimum 500 words. I have found a groove, and it feels good. So good that I want to publish this one on my website, although it will be one of the last as I am letting the subscription go in June…


Been a while. I blame my ex for the initial delay and then my own moodiness and dismissiveness for the rest of the time. I didn’t want her reading my words and then using that insight against me.


After several sweaty, broken night’s sleep in a row, I am reminded of what detoxing from weed was like. But I can feel the fog clearing, my energy levels returning and the feeling of a weed-over a slowly retreating sensation. 


I don’t know where to begin, just that I need to. Writing became my place of retreat, confession, escape and reflection when I was a teenager. It started after a dream I had in 2005, exactly one year after surviving the Tsunami in 2004. I saw a wave rushing towards me…


Ahh 89, the year I was born. The last of a decade, and one of those number combos that is a default in my life. It’s there when I must prove who I am or request access to places and venues or identify myself generationally to others. It sometimes makes me feel older or at least seem older as most of my school peers were 90s and up.   


I wanted to use this post to give a little appreciation to the family home. It has reached the ripe age of 120 years. We are the third family to undertake custody of it. It was first sold for a grand total of £300 and is Edwardian in era as well as aesthetic.


There is a fog today. A spiritual one, I am alone, but I can hear voices. I recognise them but when I call out my voice is scattered absorbed by the fog. The wind chuckles with knowing.


I missed a meeting today. Not a good look, but it happens. My mind is full of other things. New Moon things. Wounding things. Swooning things. Achoo-ing things…


A grey day here is Tooting, the air is pregnant with rain and windows are danger of misting. I find my urge to write motivated by bird song mitigated by engines running over puddles…


Today is the last day of holiday.

And by that, I mean, tomorrow, the Ramtang brand journey enters the next phase… where the story starts to emerge, and the crafting begins. 


My minds been scatty these last days. Lots of fast random thoughts. It’s been a challenge to calm it down. Managed to do so by distracting myself with a to do list as well as exercising and tiring myself out.


‘There is no one busier than those who are not interested.’

This quote appeared on my Instagram feed, which has, surprisingly (or not so), become a semi-reliable source for modern insight and wisdom.


I have mixed emotions starting this blog. Excitement is one, uncertainty is another. There is more of the former than the latter, but marginally so.


Blog Blog Blog

It’s time to Blog Blog Blog.

I find my skull filling with this chant bursting from my lips driving me to sit down and get another blog under my belt.
My April absence has put me behind schedule – to reach 100 for the year – but I am undeterred…


I kept telling myself all April I would write a blog, I had many ideas pop through my head, but I felt overwhelmed when I came to sit at my desk and write or I let my day pass me by and then tiredness inevitably undermines my creative urges.


I held my first self ceremony yesterday. It was long overdue. For a while, I’ve had a sense that an initiation was due or needed or warrant me. But no matter how hard I looked nothing felt quite right.