Health Kinesiology

Our bodies have an innate ability to sustain health and balance.
Sometimes we just need a little help to activate it.

Health Kinesiology (HK) is a non-intrusive therapy, which uses gentle muscle testing with verbal questioning to communicate directly with your body’s energy system and create a unique correction plan to facilitate the self-healing process.

HK offers a wide range of powerful procedures which stimulate and rebalance these energy flows, which instruct the physical body on how to structure, react and function on a daily basis.

Many factors can upset this flow of energetic information such as; environmental toxins, allergens, microorganisms, electromagnetic fields and other frequencies, psychological stresses such as worries, fears or limiting assumptions we may have about ourselves, traumatic experiences both physical and emotional—all of these and more block the flow of information around our bodies, causing the affected parts to forget how to work, grow and function correctly.

Our bodies communicate with us all the time, be it a twinge of pain, the pang of indigestion, headaches, back-ache, depression, anxiety, allergies, the general feeling of being out of sorts—all of these are signals from the body that we need to make positive changes in our lives by rebalancing our energy systems.

HK operates on the principle that each energy body is unique, that each person’s body has an innate wisdom and that it knows what it needs to help rebalance itself.


HK Session Adult £110 / £270 for 3 session
HK Session Child (U16) £70

I am a member of the FHT and fully insured.



Session Info

  • A session lasts between 1-1.15 hours

  • You will be asked to lie down on a therapy couch fully clothed (if lying down is physically uncomfortable, you can sit up for the session)

  • Your body is put into Meridian Energy balance. We complete our three checks before asking energy permission to begin. (Please note if energetic permission is not given, the session will end, however, this is very rare)

  • We then begin to organise a plan of action by asking questions and working the HK menu

  • No two sessions are ever alike even for people with apparently identical symptoms

  • Children Under 16 must be accompanied by an adult

During a session, you may be asked to repeat a sentence in your mind or out loud, hold certain points or resonate with a word or feeling, sniff an essential oil, trace your meridian system, or be given activities and/or tasks to perform after the session.

For new patients, a short questionnaire is provided and needs to be filled in. This is kept safe and securely and only needs to be filled in once. It’s there to provide an overview, so I can work from a place of knowledge and awareness and safety.

It can be very personal and it may trigger emotions and memories as you reflect on the past, to work towards a more positive and balanced future. If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact me.

HK Benefits

By rebalancing the body, increasing energy and vitality, there are many benefits, namely:

·    Prevent illness
·    Boost your own healing mechanisms and immunity
·    Release negative thinking or behaviour patterns
·    Overcome fears and worries
·    Increase confidence and self-esteem
·    Sharpen mental focus
·    Manage sports performance
·    Improve relationships at home or at work
·    Develop your abilities

Life is challenging. It can be very difficult to change the things you want about yourself whether that is your health, your job, your relationship, or all of these and more.

Our body has an innate ability to heal as well as process, record and remember all that has happened to us. We are a delicate and complex living system that needs support and help so that it can perform at its optimal capability.

Be it medical or complementary, or often, a combination of both. Health Kinesiology, by balancing all aspects of the person, puts the body in an optimum state for self-healing. For Further Reading please visit the HK UK Website



Because sessions are powerful and deep-reaching, they can bring about major energy changes, resulting in temporary feelings of tiredness or sleepiness. You may also experience dreams and intense emotions, however, this is a good sign, an indication that a healing process has already begun, which is best helped by staying well hydrated and resting or sleeping.

The healing effects can continue for days, weeks and even months following a Health Kinesiology session. The effects of sessions are cumulative. It is possible to see a benefit from the first session, or you may take longer for the cumulative effect to be clearly noticeable to you.

How long improvement takes will depend on the individual and their ability to rebalance and heal. Each client responds as well as their body and energy system is able.

Generally, the rate of improvement depends on how long you have had the concern, how deeply rooted it is, your ability/willingness to make and sustain suggested lifestyle changes, and how good your energy levels are.

All in all, we are ultimately responsible for our health and wellbeing, sourcing tools and strategies, mechanisms and medicine, dedication and desire which enable us to heal both in the short and long term. This takes time and is a journey in itself, patience is important as is being gentle with oneself but as the HK founder Dr. Jimmy Scott said

‘Miracles happen every day, the impossible just takes a little longer’’